主演:萨米·纳塞利 伯努瓦·马吉梅尔 娜迪亚·法尔丝 帕斯卡尔·格雷戈里 塞
简介:黑手党头目尼塞控制了整个欧洲的卖淫网络,罪孽深重。终于,在各地警方的共同努力下,尼塞终于落入了法网。在法国国庆节当天,特种女兵拉波尔(娜迪亚·法尔丝 Nadia Farès 饰)将带领着她的精锐部队押解尼塞返回斯特拉斯堡接收审判,拉波尔知道,这是一个极为危险的任务,因为尼塞的手下们正虎视眈眈的盯着他们,想要救回他们的老大。 果不其然,一批恐怖分子向拉波尔的车队发起了进攻,面对敌人强大的火力,一番恶斗之后节节败退的拉波尔一行人被迫藏身于位于荒郊的工业园内,没想到却在那里遇到了正在行窃的纳塞(萨米·纳塞利 Samy Naceri 饰)等人,本是正邪不两立的两方人马决心联手,突出重围。
主演:Anna Neagle Anton Walbrook C. Aubre
简介:Sixty Glorious Years is an exercise in the creation of iconography, both for Victoria and its star, Anna Neagle (who subsequently became known as 'Regal Neagle'). Just as Elizabeth I commissioned artists to create flattering iconic images for public consumption, so this film performs a similar function, for Neagle is more beautiful than the real life Victoria. Controversial events (such as the 'Irish problem') are omitted and unpleasant aspects of Victoria's character (her petulance, arrogance, favouritism and 'right to privilege') are glossed over as endearing little 'whims'. Albert acts as a moderating influence when she goes too far. The film followed a year after the highly successful Victoria the Great (d. Herbert Wilcox, 1937). Again the screenplay is by Miles Malleson and Robert Vansittart, and many of the supporting cast (the cream of acting talent of period) repeat their roles, this time for the colour cameras. This was the first full length Technicolor film of cinematographer Freddie Young, who captures the spectacle of royal weddings, grand balls and opulent interiors, with scenes actually filmed at royal palaces. Vivid battle scenes, set in Alexander Korda's empire territory (Sevastopol and the Sudan), rival those in The Four Feathers (d. Zoltan Korda 1939). The title music sets the tone a regal choir sings over a shot of the crown. Elgar's 1901 'Pomp and Circumstance' march is heard during the diamond jubilee celebrations and, as Victoria's coffin lies in state, the film concludes with Anthony Collins' stately music accompanied by the text of Rudyard Kipling's 'Lest we forget'. Combined with the emotional appeal of scenes of Victoria connecting with her 'ordinary folk', this is stirring stuff. The film connects with contemporary events of 1938. The release of two celebratory royal films was intended to boost public affection for the monarchy in the wake of Edward VIII's abdication. Anglo-German relations were another touchy subject. With another war on the horizon, influential voices wanted appeasement, and the film could be seen to fit that agenda. Victoria herself was of mainly German descent, nicknamed 'the grandmother of Europe', while Albert is a 'good German', charmingly played by Anton Walbrook as a cultured, decent man. Sixty Glorious Years now seems unduly formal and reverential. Had movies existed during Victoria's reign (they only emerged at the end) this might have been the kind of film produced. Unlike Mrs Brown (d. John Madden, 1997), it is all so very 'Victorian'. Roger Philip Mellor
主演:英格·贝克曼 Garth Breytenbach Tshamano S
简介:Grounded in South African folklore, this moody, menacing supernatural thriller follows a white family newly arrived on an inherited farm. Soon after moving in, they meet a mysterious local outcast named Lazarus, who carries with him a dark secret that will put everyone at risk. With evocative images, spine-tingling sound-design, and a terrific central performance by Tshamano Sebe, director Harold Hölscher conjures up both visceral scares and a heartbreaking narrative.
举报热线:0991-3532125 涉未成年人举报电话:0991-3532125
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