主演:Aintzane Krujeiras Angel Alkain Joi
简介:Every year, the elves come from his magical world to bring humans a new spring. Tim is a new one this year. Distracted by the attractive sound of the fair, he wanders away from the other elves, being captured by former trapeze artist Samuel, who brings him to Vladimir, owner of a circus who exploits him as a fairground attraction. Teresa, a naughty 6-year-old girl, is jealous of her little brother, baby Jon. When visiting the fair, she discovers Tim while he is being exhibited and she will become infatuated with him. Tim, at the same time, will see in her an opportunity to escape. Hidden in Teresa's house and protected by her, they live several adventures, becoming inseparable friends. Over time, matching with the end of the spring, Tim begins to transform in a Little tree. He has been away from his world and his people for too long, and only by helping him to return will Tim be saved. There is no time to lose, but be careful Vladimir is lurking.
主演:Lorenzo Music Gregg Berger Thom Hug
简介:全身长着橙色皮毛的加菲猫是一只生长在大都会内一个平凡街区的猫儿,他天生具有哲人般的怪想法和似乎有无止境的旺盛食欲。比萨、猪肉卷、意大利面、蛋糕乃至各种无上美味且具含高热量高脂肪的食物都是加菲的最爱,而对于青菜、老鼠等等则嗤之以鼻。对他来说,美美的吃上一顿后再打个盹,这便是最完美的猫生。而那个身为漫画家的主人乔恩,毋宁说是老天专门派来服侍他的仆人;小狗欧弟则当仁不让是加菲解闷找乐的首选对象。加菲猫自私、小气、贪婪、懒惰、虚荣、自恋,可是却得到了全世界的宠爱…… 本片根据吉姆·戴维斯(Jim Davis)的同名漫画作品改编。
举报热线:0991-3532125 涉未成年人举报电话:0991-3532125
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