主演:Jeremy Davis Ken Gamble Zach McGowa
简介:Petty Officer Michael Davis (Jeremy Davis) is the newbie to SEAL Team VI, but after his first mission the young soldier is weathered beyond hid years. His first assignment as for the elite black ops squad is as Communications Officer for the micro ground assault team that enabled surgical aerial assaults of strategic targets in Iraq, priming allied forces for the what is now known as Operation Desert Storm. The honor of being part of the special forces unit is enriched by the fact that he is invited into the unit lead by the best, Master Chief Devon Mackefy (Ken Gamble). The team, having just returned from one mission, is called into duty once again, because “Mac is the best”. Feeling the pull of the call, and given no option by the powers that be, our heroes go into the thick of it with the usual disadvantages - tired, short by one man and in need of gearing up in the weapons department; all with their invisibility being paramount. The team is rounded out by Petty Officer Williams (Kristoffer Garrison), Petty Officer Sanchez (Neta De Paula) and Chief Petty Officer Roberts (Zach McGowan). The team’s only contact ii Iraqi is Jamal (Amol Shah), a Kurd who has lost his family to the war and now helps the U.S. in these isolated covert operations. Their sole mission mark aerial targets, avoid capture and stay alive for four days. But the enemy is in every direction. Tensions are high since Davis is untested in the field and Mac is distracted by a recent personal loss. All these complications threaten the success of the mission, as well as the team’s survival.
主演:William Baldwin Cindy Crawford Chri
简介:重案组探员寇派克•麦斯(威廉•鲍德温 William Baldwin 饰)迎来了混乱的一天,先是一大早就被女友芮塔(萨尔玛•海耶克 Salma Hayek 饰)划清界限赶出家门,又因不良记录贷款无望,麦斯因职责所在为在大街上中流弹的律师凯蒂(辛迪•克劳馥 Cindy Crawford 饰)做笔录,岂料对方也是个尖牙利嘴的狠角色。当晚麦斯发现白天的记录不完备,只得赶赴凯蒂家中,居然遇到凯蒂家中爆炸,麦斯与持枪歹徒一番混战救下凯蒂,由此卷入了间谍团伙的追杀。原来凯蒂近期带离的一桩民事案件,涉及一艘船的归属,而该船是国际间谍团伙用于水底窃听的设备,于是遭到团伙追杀。在一流间谍团伙的追杀下,麦斯无法请求支援,只能依靠自己的力量保护凯蒂,并为殉职的同事报仇。
导演:Mario Andreacchio
主演:Joey Yusuf Rasdien David Kau David
简介:Blitz Patrollie chronicles the adventures of Rummy Augustine (Joey Rasdien) and his partner, Ace Dikolobe (David Kau), police officers who have had the misfortune of being stationed in a little known depot in the belly of the Johannesburg CBD. Rummy is bogged down with trying to start a family and an overbearing mother-in-law who just won't move out. The overzealous Ace, on the other hand, can think of nothing better to do in the morning than to put on his lucky bulletproof vest and head out to kick some bad guy ass. Whilst in a poor white neighborhood, trying to solve yet another small-time crime, Rummy and Ace, along with their inept sniper colleagues, accidentally stumble upon a massive drug haul. What ensues is a series of mishaps as the duo encounter some of the city's craftiest crooks in a race against time to catch the bad guys and claim their place in crime fighting glory.
主演:Vakhtang Panchulidze 拉马兹·迟希克瓦泽 阿福坦迪
简介:The film is set in southern Georgia, which until the end of XIX century was dominated by the Ottoman Empire. The tragic time to be born people of high strength of spirit, such as Antimoz Iverieli - the philosopher-educator. Having experienced in childhood cruelty and injustice, it becomes the path of serving others. Having been removed by the Turks in Romania, a hero at any cost wants to return home. However hard and long this way. Sentenced to death, Antimoz remains in the memory of his countrymen champion of justice.
举报热线:0991-3532125 涉未成年人举报电话:0991-3532125
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