主演:摩根·弗里曼 贝弗利·陶德 罗伯特·吉尔劳姆 艾伦·诺斯 林恩·瑟格本
简介:所有的老师和校长听到“布兰登学校”的大名之时都会暗自在心中捏一把冷汗,这所学校因为黑恶势力的潜伏和极高的校园犯罪率而在教育界臭名昭著,如今,人生遭遇了全面滑铁卢的约翰(摩根·弗里曼 Morgan Freeman 饰)即将成为这所学校的新一任校长。 看着校园里此消彼长的歪风邪气,约翰心里充满了愤怒,他制定了严格的规章制度,希望能够以此重振学生和老师们的信心。约翰的决心逐渐的影响了信任他的学生们,然而,校园内的暴力团伙亦开始找起了约翰的麻烦,他们不仅袭击了听从约翰指挥的老师和学生,更对约翰发出了直接的威胁,约翰明白,一场旷日持久的拉锯战即将展开。
主演:克里斯汀·库亚斯·托普 埃里克·塞瑟 范妮·瓦格尔 莎拉·弗兰西斯卡·
简介:Signe and Thomas are in an unhealthy, competitive relationship that takes a vicious turn when Thomas suddenly breaks through as a contemporary artist. In response, Signe makes a desperate attempt to regain her status by creating a new persona hell-bent on attracting attention and sympathy.
主演:娜塔莉·波特曼 伊万·麦克格雷格 罗德里戈·桑托罗 乔尔·埃哲顿 诺亚
简介:简(娜塔莉·波特曼 Natalie Portman 饰)和丈夫比尔(诺亚·艾默里奇 Noah Emmerich 饰)生活在蛮荒的西部,日子虽然清贫但也不失幸福。然而,比尔惹到了当地的恶霸约翰(伊万·麦克格雷格 Ewan McGregor 饰),遭到了黑帮史无前例的凶猛报复。为了替丈夫报仇,手无缚鸡之力的简挺身而出。 简找到了自己昔日的情人丹(乔尔·埃哲顿 Joel Edgerton 饰),他是她在这里唯一可以信赖的人了。虽然对于两人曾经的纠葛,丹并未释怀,但丹还是答应了简的请求。除了给简提供必要的庇护外,丹还开始教简使用枪械,希望她能够拥有自我保护的能力,在此过程中,两人旧情复燃。
简介:律师弗兰克(詹姆斯·维尔拜 James Wilby 饰)因为脚踝受伤而来到了一处偏远的小山村里修养,在那里,他邂逅了名为梅根(伊莫金·斯塔布斯 Imogen Stubbs 饰)的美丽女子。弗兰克的风趣和健谈吸引了梅根的注意,可是梅根此时已经有了未婚夫乔(杰罗姆·弗林 Jerome Flynn 饰)。 在一场剪羊毛大会上,弗兰克亦爱上了能歌善舞的梅根,然而两人的这段感情遭到了梅根家人和乔的强烈反对。虽然饱受非议,但这对爱侣还是决定尊重他们内心的选择,两人相约在镇上的火车站碰头,踏上私奔的旅途。然而,当梅根赶往火车站之时,却并没有看到弗兰克的身影,与此同时,弗兰克遇见了大学同学的妹妹,两人度过了甜蜜的三天。
主演:瑞恩·高斯林 瑞秋·麦克亚当斯 吉娜·罗兰兹 詹姆斯·加纳 斯塔尔勒塔
简介:一个浸润着鲜红与纯白的爱情故事,写在一本洒满昏黄的笔记本上,被一位老先生(詹姆斯·加纳 饰),一遍一遍的讲述。老太太(吉娜·罗兰兹 饰)总是静静的听着,好奇的追问结果。在一家疗养院,这样不变的场景每天都会上演。 笔记本上,秀美的字迹,记载着发生在那个夏天的爱情。艾莉(瑞秋·麦克亚当斯 饰)是富有人家的千金,她随家人来到小镇避暑。在一个充满梦幻的游乐场,邂逅了诺亚(瑞恩·高斯林 饰)。诺亚没有钱,却活的很快乐。艾莉在他那学会了自由,得到了欢笑,两人很快热恋起来。然而在艾莉父母的阻挠下,相爱的两个人,就被分开在夏天结束的那一刻。随着诺亚的365封信被偷偷藏起,艾莉在7年后终于放弃了等待。就在她要步入教堂的前一天,突然在报纸上看到了诺亚曾许诺给自己建造的白色房子。一切记忆,全部苏醒…… 也许,应该苏醒的,不是故事中的,而是听故事的人。
主演:Vítezslav Vejrazka 米罗斯拉夫·马哈切克 Cestm
简介:In the time of Counter-Reformation, a miller and his son come under investigation by a priest of the Inquisition, when rumors spread that their prosperity comes from working with the Devil. The Devil's Trap is a film directed by František Vláil, based on a novel by Alfréd Technik, adapted by František A. Dvorák and Miloš Kratochvíl. It was the first of three historical dramas that Vláil made during the Czech New Wave (technically he isn't really a part of the New Wave, however these films were made during the same era of artistic freedom), preceding his more well known Marketa Lazarová (1967) and Valley of the Bees (1968). Set in the late 16th Century during the Catholic Reformation, in the Moravian Karst, situated in what is now the Eastern Czech Republic, it tells the tale of a miller (Vítezslav Vejrazka), and his son Jan (Vít Olmer), who come under suspicion and are investigated by a Jesuit priest of the Inquisition (Miroslav Macháchek), when rumors of witchcraft are spread by the local regent (Cestmír Randa), who is jealous of the miller's prosperity and degree of respect among the local populace. As expected from Vláil, this film is a stunning experience all the way through. From the opening shot, an ominous manipulation of perspective with a close up of a mangled figure of Christ dominating the foreground against a tiny figure in black walking along the horizon, to the breathtaking confrontational finale inside the vast stalactite filled Karst caverns, it is a wonderful display of visual mastery. Maybe not quite as impressive as Marketa Lazarová, but still full of astonishing imagery. As seen from unique angles and distinct points of view which highlight the director's remarkable sense of awareness of framing, motion, and positioning on the emotional and dramatic tone of the scene. The most memorable being a repeated shot where the camera is suspended and launched with speed through the air towards the miller's door. The story here is a simple one and I would say more accessible than his later works. With a conventional structure emphasized as much by its plot and characters, than by its expressionistic cinematography or authentic historical detail. The events play out without much surprise, and there is a strong underlying, almost supernatural, mysterious aspect that is left unresolved, in fact barely explored, which is slightly disappointing, but only because it's so fascinating that I wish there was more. Acting is great all around. Particularly the villains Miroslav Macháchek as the priest, casting a sinister and imposing shadow wherever he goes, and Cestmír Randa as the weasel like regent behind all the persecution. While Vít Olmer brings a charismatic leading man presence in his role as the miller's son Jan, in love with the lovely orphan girl Martina (Karla Chadimová), who becomes a dangerous object of rivalry between Jan and other young men of the village. The film also features the evocative music of Zdenk Liška (perhaps the most prolific composer of the Czech New Wave). In this his second of eleven collaborations with Vláil, his compositions are used sparingly, but to great effect, complimenting but never overpowering a scene. The best example of which can be heard in an amazingly shot celebration and dance sequence at the end of the second act. The Devil's Trap might not be a masterpiece, but it is still a strong effort, with a fascinating straightforward story and a glorious historical setting captured beautifully by Vláil's unmistakable visual prowess. A fine work that would also be the perfect starter plate to prepare yourself for the challenging feast of Marketa Lazarová or The Valley of the Bees. It even has an easy to digest running time. It's therefore puzzling why this gem remains largely overlooked and ignored.
举报热线:0991-3532125 涉未成年人举报电话:0991-3532125
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